COUNTESS CLUB: próximo encuentro 📆Sábado 13 de Julio. ⏰17 a 18:30 hs. 📍Matheu 1156, San Cristóbal 🎫$5.000 por persona Reservá tu lugar en el link o por mail a

Vamos a juntarnos a hablar de arte , en el contexto de la muestra THE BONDAGE SONG, junto a la cálida guía de Teacher Monk, tomando un tecito o un café.

Each session will revolve around a specific topic. The second session on July 13 th will be around the topic of Recent Exhibitions in Bs. As. Each participant should choose a recent exhibition to discuss with the group, and in the registration form, they should specify it, so that during the session we can all see some pictures or info relevant to the show. We will take turns to share our exhibition of choice and as a group, we will discuss the artist, the curatorship, a specific work and whatever else might be interesting.The session will be 100% conversational. We look forward to meeting you!

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